
Summer days and nights filled with bright blooms


After the soft warmth of spring blends into the moist heat of summer, a new set of flowers emerges from the luscious greenery throughout campus.

The luxurious delonix regia tree sprouts bright red and orange flowers, reminiscent of the phoenix rising again. With a potential height of twenty meters, the cascade of green, red, and orange provides a delightful backdrop for couples and photographers alike.

The pink and purple bauhinia sway gently in the breeze, looking like delicate fairies dancing in the wind.

The cassia trees display their gorgeous yellow flowers among their greenery, with years of flowers to be enjoyed.

The giant crape myrtle fills the air with its faint fragrance that emanates from its many petal folds, reminiscent of the delicate pleats of a teen’s summer dance skirt.

The subtle gardenia, popular around the world, features umbrella-like crowns for its white and fragrant flowers. Its distinctive scent attracts many to its precious petals.

The vibrant flame tree has incredible bouquets of colorful red petals that look like small firepits near the top of the tree.

The subtle frangipani reminds people of eggs, with the combination of white petals fading in to yellow. They sit on thick fleshy branches that hold sprays of frangipanis.

The yellow oleander combines the natural beauty of bamboo with the effortless grace of willow and their flowers shaped like wine glasses, filled with an ephemeral yellow liquid.

The large red hibiscus is a target for insects, providing them with homes, food, and protection. Their natural beauty sees them used in garlands and bouquets throughout these tropical regions.


Address:South Tower,College of Engineering,
Southern University of Science and Technology

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