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IEEE Student Branch of SUSTC Won the Darrel Chong Student Activity Award

Date2016-09-19/ What's New


Recently, Ms. Christine Eldridge from IEEE Member and Activity Department sent congratulatory message to IEEE Student Branch of SUSTC. IEEE Student Branch of SUSTC won the Darrel Chong Student Activity Award with “Thinking and Sharing” Activity Series. 

In the congratulatory message from IEEE Member and Activity Department, IEEE Student Branch of SUSTC was praised for its measures to improve student activity quality and promote knowledge sharing. Ms. Christine Eldridge felt proud of the achievements made by IEEE Student Branch of SUSTC. In the coming weeks, IEEE Member and Activity Department will issue a certificate to IEEE Student Branch of SUST so as to encourage it make persistent efforts, inherit the honor of the Darrel Chong Student Activity Award and hold more excellent student activities. 


Background information: 

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is an international association for electronic technology and information informatics engineers. As the largest non-profit professional association in the world, IEEE has over 400,000 members from 160 countries. It is committed to development and research of electrical, electronic, computer engineering and science, has formulated over 900 industrial standards in the fields of aerospace, computer, telecommunication, biomedicine, electric power and consumer electronic products and developed into an influential international academic organization. IEEE Student Branch of SUSTC is a scientific and technological organization which was established by IEEE student members. 


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