高振 工学院南楼707



高振,南方科技大学副教授。分别于2009年和2012年获得浙江大学工学学士和工学硕士学位,2018年获得新加坡南洋理工大学物理与应用物理学博士学位。2021年4月加入南方科技大学,担任电子与电气工程系副教授。主要研究方向包括拓扑光子学、拓扑声学、拓扑电路、光子晶体、人工表面等离激元、超构材料、太赫兹光学、非厄米光学、非厄米声学等。以第一作者及通讯作者身份在Nature(2篇)、Nature Communications(2篇)、Physical Review Letters(3篇)、Advanced Materials(2篇)等期刊共发表40余篇学术论文,总引用超过2500多次,h-index为22,四篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。相关研究成果多次被国内外科技媒体作为亮点报道。此外,他还获得2020年国家特聘青年专家、 2016年中国国家优秀自费留学生奖、2019年中国光学十大进展、深圳市国家级领军人才等荣誉、2022年亚洲通信与光子学国际会议青年科学家奖、2019年及2022年中国光学十大社会影响力事件(Light10)。






2021-04至现在, 南方科技大学, 工学院电子与电气工程系, 副教授
















2022年亚洲通讯与光学会议青年科学家奖(Young Scientist Award)




1.Y. Yang, Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), H. Xue, L. Zhang, M. He, Z. Yang, R. Singh, Y. Chong, B. Zhang* and H. Chen*, Realization of a three-dimensional photonic topological insulator, Nature 565, 622–626 (2019).

2. G. Liu#Z. Gao#(#同等贡献作者), Q. Wang, X. Xi, Y. H. Hu, M. R. Wang, C. Q. Liu, X. Lin, L. J. Deng, S. A. Yang, P. H. Zhou*, Y. Yang*, Y. D. Chong*, B. Zhang*, Topological Chern vectors in three-dimensional photonic crystals, Nature 609, 925-930 (2022).

3. X. Xi, B. Yan, L. Yang, Y. Meng, Z. Zhu, J. Chen, Z. Wang, P. Zhou, P. Shum, Y. Yang, H. Chen, S. Mandal, G. Liu*, B. Zhang*Z. Gao* (*通讯作者), Topological antichiral surface states in a magnetic Weyl photonic crystal, Nature Communications 14, 1991 (2023).

4. L. Y. Yang#, Y. Wang#, Y. Meng, Z. X. Zhu, X. Xi, B. Yan, S. X. Lin, J. M. Chen, B. J. Shi, Y. Ge, S. Q. Yuan, H. S. Chen, H. X. Sun*, G. G. Liu*, Yihao Yang*, and Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), Observation of Dirac hierarchy in three-dimensional acoustic topological insulators, Physical Review Letters 129, 125502 (2022). (Editors’ Suggestion)

5. Y. Meng, S. Lin, B. Shi, B. Wei, L. Yang, B. Yan, Z. Zhu, X. Xi, Y. Wang, Y. Ge, S. Yuan, J. Chen, G. Liu, H. Sun*, H. Chen, Y. Yang*, and Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), Spinful topological phases in acoustic crystals with projective PT symmetry, Physical Review Letters 130, 026101 (2023).

6. Y. Yang, Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), X. Feng, Y. Huang, P. Zhou, S. A. Yang*, Y. Chong*, and B. Zhang*, Ideal unconventional Weyl point in a chiral photonic metamaterial, Physical Review Letters 125, 143001 (2020). (Editors’ Suggestion)

7. F. Gao#Z. Gao#(#同等贡献作者), X. Shi, Z. Yang, X. Lin, H. Xu, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, H. Chen, L. Lu, Y. Chong, and B. Zhang, Probing topological protection using a designer surface plasmon structure, Nature Communications 7, 11619 (2016).

8. Z. Gao, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Y. Luo, and B. Zhang, Forward/Backward switching of plasmonic wave propagation using sign-reversal coupling, Advanced Materials 29, 1700018 (2017).

9. Z. Gao, L. Wu, F. Gao, Y. Luo, and B. Zhang, Spoof plasmonics: from metamaterial concept to topological description, Advanced Materials 30, 1706683 (2018). (Invited Review).

10. Z. Gao, Z. Yang, F. Gao, H. Xue, Y. Yang, J. Dong, and B. Zhang, Valley surface-wave photonic crystal and its bulk/edge transport, Physical Review B 96, 201402(R) (2017). (Rapid Communication and Editors’ Suggestion)

11. F. Chen, Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), L. Zhang, Q. Chen, Q. Yan, R. Xi, L. Jin, E. Li, W. Yin*, H. Chen*, Y. Yang*, Observation of topologically enabled complete polarization conversion, Laser & Photonic Reviews 17, 2200626 (2023).


1. G. Liu#Z. Gao#(#同等贡献作者), Q. Wang, X. Xi, Y. H. Hu, M. R. Wang, C. Q. Liu, X. Lin, L. J. Deng, S. A. Yang, P. H. Zhou*, Y. Yang*, Y. D. Chong*, B. Zhang*, Topological Chern vectors in three-dimensional photonic crystals, Nature 609, 925-930 (2022).

2. X. Xi, B. Yan, L. Yang, Y. Meng, Z. Zhu, J. Chen, Z. Wang, P. Zhou, P. Shum, Y. Yang, H. Chen, S. Mandal, G. Liu*, B. Zhang*Z. Gao* (*通讯作者), Topological antichiral surface states in a magnetic Weyl photonic crystal, Nature Communications 14, 1991 (2023).

3. L. Y. Yang#, Y. Wang#, Y. Meng, Z. X. Zhu, X. Xi, B. Yan, S. X. Lin, J. M. Chen, B. J. Shi, Y. Ge, S. Q. Yuan, H. S. Chen, H. X. Sun*, G. G. Liu*, Yihao Yang*, and Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), Observation of Dirac hierarchy in three-dimensional acoustic topological insulators, Physical Review Letters 129, 125502 (2022). (Editors’ Suggestion)

4. Y. Meng, S. Lin, B. Shi, B. Wei, L. Yang, B. Yan, Z. Zhu, X. Xi, Y. Wang, Y. Ge, S. Yuan, J. Chen, G. Liu, H. Sun*, H. Chen, Y. Yang*, and Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), Spinful topological phases in acoustic crystals with projective PT symmetry, Physical Review Letters 130, 026101 (2023).

5. F. Chen, Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), L. Zhang, Q. Chen, Q. Yan, R. Xi, L. Jin, E. Li, W. Yin*, H. Chen*, Y. Yang*, Observation of topologically enabled complete polarization conversion, Laser & Photonic Reviews 17, 2200626 (2023).

6. Zhu#Z. Gao#* (#*通讯作者及同等贡献作者), G. Liu, Y. Ge, Y. Wang, X. Xi, B. Yan, F. Chen, P. Shum, H. Sun*, and Y. Yang*, Observation of multiple rotons and multidirectional roton-like dispersion relations in acoustic metamaterials, New Journal of Physics 24, 123019 (2022).

7. Chen, J. Zhao, S. Feng, L. Zhang, Y. Cheng, H. Liao, Z. Zheng, X. Chen, Z. Gao, K. J. Chen, M. Hua, Formation and applications in electronic devices of lattice-aligned gallium oxynitride nanolayer on gallium nitride, Advanced Materials 202208960 (2023).

8. You, Z. Lan, Q. Ma, Z. Gao, Y. Yang, F. Gao, M. Xiao, and T. J. Cui, Topological metasurface: From passive toward active and beyond, Photonic Research 11, B65-B102 (2023). (Invited Review)

9. Chen, F. Chen, Y. Pan, C. Cui, Q. Yan, L. Zhang, Z. Gao, S. A. Yang, Z. Yu, H. Chen, B. Zhang, Y. Yang. Discovery of a maximally charged Weyl point, Nature Communications 13, 7359 (2022).

10. H. Xing, J. Fan, D. Lu, Z. Gao, P. P. Shum, L. Cong, Terahertz metamaterials for free-space and on-chip applications: from active metadevices to topological photonic crystals, Advanced Devices & Instrumentation 2022, 9852503 (2022).


1. Y. H. Yang, Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), H. Xue, L. Zhang, M. He, Z. Yang, R. Singh, Y. Chong, B. Zhang* and H. Chen*, Realization of a three-dimensional photonic topological insulator, Nature 565, 622–626 (2019).

2. Y. H. Yang, Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), X. Feng, Y. Huang, P. Zhou, S. A. Yang*, Y. Chong*, and B. Zhang*, Ideal unconventional Weyl point in a chiral photonic metamaterial, Physical Review Letters 125, 143001 (2020). (Editors’ Suggestion)

3. F. Gao#Z. Gao#(#同等贡献作者), X. Shi, Z. Yang, X. Lin, H. Xu, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, H. Chen, L. Lu, Y. Chong, and B. Zhang, Probing topological protection using a designer surface plasmon structure, Nature Communications 7, 11619 (2016).

4. Z. Gao, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Y. Luo, and B. Zhang, Forward/Backward switching of plasmonic wave propagation using sign-reversal coupling, Advanced Materials 29, 1700018 (2017).

5. Z. Gao, L. Wu, F. Gao, Y. Luo, and B. Zhang, Spoof plasmonics: from metamaterial concept to topological description, Advanced Materials 30, 1706683 (2018). (Invited Review)

6. Z. GaoH. Xu, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, Y. Luo, and B. Zhang, Surface-wave pulse routing around sharp right angles, Physical Review Applied 9, 044019 (2018).

7. Z. GaoF. Gao, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, Y. Luo, and B. Zhang, Flexible photonic topological insulator, Advanced Optical Materials 6, 1800532 (2018).

8. Z. Gao, Z. Yang, F. Gao, H. Xue, Y. Yang, J. Dong, and B. Zhang, Valley surface-wave photonic crystal and its bulk/edge transport, Physical Review B 96, 201402(R) (2017). (Rapid Communication and Editors’ Suggestion)

9. F. Gao#Z. Gao#(同等贡献作者), Y. Luo and B. Zhang, Invisibility dips of near-field energy transport in a spoof plasmonic meta-dimer, Advanced Functional Materials 26, 8307-8312 (2016).

10. Z. Gao, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, and B. Zhang, Deep-subwavelength magnetic-coupling-dominant interaction among magnetic localized surface plasmons, Physical Review B 93, 195410 (2016).

11. Z. Gao, F. Gao, H. Y. Xu, Y. M. Zhang, B. L. Zhang, Localized spoof surface plasmons in textured open metal surfaces, Optics Letters 41, 002181 (2016).

12. Z. Gao, Z. Wang, and B. Zhang, Subwavelength wave manipulation in a thin surface-wave bandgap crystal, Optics Letters 43, 50-53 (2018).

13. Z. Gao, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, X. Shi, Z. Yang, and B. Zhang, Experimental demonstration of high-order magnetic localized spoof surface plasmons, Applied Physics Letters 107, 041118 (2015).

14. Z. Gao, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, and B. Zhang, Complementary structure for designer localized surface plasmons, Applied Physics Letters 107, 191103 (2016).

15. Z. Gao, F. Gao, and B. Zhang, Guiding, bending, and splitting of coupled defect surface modes in a surface-wave photonic crystal, Applied Physics Letters 108, 041105 (2015).

16. Z. Gao, F. Gao, and B. Zhang, Multi-directional plasmonic surface-wave splitters with full bandwidth isolation, Applied Physics Letters 108, 111107 (2015). (Editor’s Pick)

17. Z. Gao, F. Gao, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, and B. Zhang, Experimental demonstration of a band-notched line-defect waveguide in a surface-wave photonic crystal, Applied Physics Letters 109, 065639 (2016).

18. Z. Gao, F. Gao, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, and B. Zhang, Experimental demonstration of Fabry-Perot open resonators in a surface-wave bandgap crystal, Applied Physics Letters 111, 121102 (2017).

19. Y. B. An, Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), and Z. Ouyang, Surface wave photonic quasicrystal, Applied Physics Letters 116, 151104 (2020).

20. Z. Gao, F. Gao, K. K. Shastri, and B. Zhang, Frequency-selective propagation of localized spoof surface plasmons in a graded plasmonic resonator chain, Scientific Report 6, 25576 (2016).

21. Z. Gao, F. Gao, and B. Zhang, High-order spoof localized surface plasmons supported on a complementary metallic spiral structure, Scientific Report 6, 24447 (2016).




