罗丹 工学院南楼331



罗丹,南方科技大学电子与电气工程系长聘教授,博导。2004年和2007年本科、研究生分别毕业于天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院电子科学与技术和物理电子学专业,2012年7月获新加坡南洋理工大学电子与电气工程学院博士学位。2013年5月加入南方科技大学电子与电气工程系任助理教授/副研究员/博导,2018年11月至2024年5月任电子系长聘副教授/研究员/博导,2024年6月至今任电子系长聘教授,博导, 现任副系主任。长期从事液晶光电器件、节能智能窗、生化光学传感器、增强现实显示及液晶弹性体执行器的相关研究工作。在Science Advances, Light: Science & Applications, Science Bulletin, Advanced Optical Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Optics Express等期刊发表论文140多篇,总引用3900多次,H因子34。曾获得2011年德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学颁发的“奥托.莱曼奖”(年度全球唯一获奖人);2011年国家优秀自费留学生奖;2012年国际光学工程学会光学光子奖学金;2012年国际电子电气工程学会研究生奖(年度全球十人获奖);2016年南方科技大学优秀导师奖;2017年南方科技大学青年科研奖;2017年南方科技大学优秀教学奖;2018年深圳市先进教育工作者;2020年广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目获得者。入选2013年深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”(B类)。主持孔雀人才计划科研启动项目,国家自然科学基金面上、青年科学基金项目,教育部留学回国人员科研启动资金,广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,深圳市基础研究项目,深圳市学科布局项目,TCL企业项目,南科大校内基金,广东省本科高校高等教育教学改革项目等13项,作为核心成员参与国家重点研发计划子课题,国家自然科学基金联合基金项目、面上项目,深圳市孔雀团队,深圳市学科布局项目6项。目前担任中国物理学会液晶分会第八届委员会委员,中国光学工程学会光显示专业委员会委员。担任《液晶与显示》期刊青年编委。光纤光缆先进制造与应用技术全国重点实验室、广东省信息功能氧化物材料与器件重点实验室成员。


2007/08 - 2012/07, 新加坡南洋理工大学,电子与电气工程学院,博士

2004/09 - 2007/06, 天津大学,精密仪器与光电子工程学院,研究生

2000/09 - 2004/06, 天津大学,精密仪器与光电子工程学院,学士


2024/06 - 至今,南方科技大学,电子与电气工程系,长聘教授

2018/11 - 2024/05,南方科技大学,电子与电气工程系,长聘副教授

2013/05 – 2018/10, 南方科技大学,电子与电气工程系,助理教授

2012/08 – 2013/04, 新加坡南洋理工大学,电子与电气工程学院,研究员


光取向光子器件(Photoalignment photonic devices)

液晶弹性体执行器(Liquid crystal elastomer actuator)

胆甾/蓝相液晶薄膜(Cholesteric/blue phase liquid crystal films)

电/光可控液晶智能窗(Electrically/optically controllable liquid crystal smart windows)

液晶光学传感器(Liquid crystal optical sensors)

液晶激光器(Liquid crystal lasers)


奥托.雷曼奖(Otto Lehmann Award),德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学,全球唯一获奖人,2011年。


光子学会研究生奖(IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellowships),国际电子电气工程学会(IEEE),美国,2012年。

光学光子奖学金(SPIE Scholarship in Optics and Photonic),国际光学工程学会(SPIE),美国,2012年。

深圳市孔雀计划B类, 2013年。







Xiaowan Xu, Yanjun Liu, Dan Luo*, Spontaneous formation of liquid-crystalline nuclei in blue-phase liquid crystals based on different chirality, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 12, 622 (2024).

Xiaoxue Du, Yanjun Liu, Dongyu Zhao,* Helen F. Gleeson* and Dan Luo*, A wireless fluorescent flexible force sensor based on aggregation-induced emission doped liquid crystal elastomers,Soft Matter (DOI: 10.1039/d3sm01715j).

Xudong Yan, Jiaxin Zhu, Mingxuan Liu, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*, Colorful multi-plane augmented reality display with dynamically tunable reflective Pancharatnam-Berry phase lens, Optics Express 32(6), 9161-9170 (2024).

Wenfeng Cai, Huihui Xia, Weiwu Li, Delai Kong, Zongjun Ma, Ming Cheng, Jiawei Wang, Jianxun Liu, Xiaochuan Yang, Dan Luo, Weiwei Deng, Wenwei Xu, Yan Jun Liu*, Electrohydrodynamically printed microlens arrays with controllable curvature based on surface functionalization, Surfaces and Interfaces 46, 103935 (2024).

Xiyun Zhan, Kun-Lin Yang*, and Dan Luo*,Liquid crystal based sensor for antimony ions detection using poly-adenine oligonucleotides, Talanta 267, 125148 (2024).

Jiayuan Min, Zongxuan Wu, Wei Zhang, Yanjun Liu. and Dan Luo*, Intelligent liquid crystal elastomer actuators with high mechanical strength, self-sensing, and automatic control. Advanced Sensor Research 3, 2300117 (2024).

Xudong Yan, Jiawei Wang, Wei Zhang, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*, Gradient polarization volume grating with wide angular bandwidth for augmented reality, Optics Express 31(21), 35282-35292 (2023).

Zongjun Ma, Zhenming Wang, Ming Cheng, Delai Kong, Wenfeng Cai, Mengjia Cen, Jianxun Liu, Dan Luo, and Yanjun Liu*, Surface acoustic wave-tuned plasmonic resonances in liquid crystal-covered gold nanostructures, Optical Materials Express 13(10), 2935-2943 (2023).

Zixuan Wu, Jianxun Liu*, Zhenming Wang, Lei Chen, Yiwei Xu, Zongjun Ma, Delai Kong, Dan Luo, and Yan Jun Liu*, Nanosphere lithography-enabled hybrid Ag-Cu surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates with enhanced absorption of excitation light, Biosensors 13(8), 825 (2023).

Chun Qi, Yuao Guo, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*,Bio-inspired untethered automatic light harvesting system based on liquid crystal elastomers tubular actuator, Advanced Materials Interfaces 10(11), 2202513 (2023).

Xiaowan Xu, Jiawei Wang, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*, Large-scale single-crystal blue phase through holography lithography, Advanced Photonics Nexus 2(2), 026004-026004 (2023).

Yong Li, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*,Circularly polarized light-driven liquid crystal elastomer actuators, Advanced Optical Materials 11(7), 2202695 (2023).

Xiaoxue Du, Fei Yang, Yanjun Liu, Helen F. Gleeson*, and Dan Luo*,Light-driven dynamic hierarchical architecture of three-dimensional self-assembled cholesteric liquid crystal droplets, Langmuir 39(4), 1611-1618 (2023).

Xiaolin Zhuang, Wei Zhang, Kemeng Wang, Yangfan Gu, Youwen An, Xueqian Zhang, Jianqiang Gu*, Dan Luo*, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang, Active terahertz beam steering based on mechanical deformation of liquid crystal elastomer metasurface, Light: Science & Applications 12(1), 14 (2023).

Wenfeng Cai, Delai Kong, Zongjun Ma, Mengjia Cen, Jiawei Wang, Dandan Yuan, Ke Li, Ming Cheng, Shaolin Xu, Dan Luo, Yanqing Lu*, and Yanjun Liu*, Optically anisotropic, electrically tunable microlens arrays formed via single-step photopolymerization-induced phase separation in polymer/liquid-crystal composite materials, Light: Advanced Manufacturing 4(2), 1-13 (2023).

Yong Li, Zhen Yin, and Dan Luo*, Fabrication and application of free-standing fiber based on blue phase liquid crystal, Optics Letters 48(1), 89-92 (2023).

Jiawei Wang, Wenfeng Cai, Huilin He, Mengjia Cen, Jianxun Liu, Delai Kong, Dan Luo, Yanqing Lu*, and Yanjun Liu*, Cholesteric liquid crystal-enabled electrically programmable metasurfaces for simultaneous near-and far-field displays, Nanoscale 14(48), 17921-17928 (2022).

Mengjia Cen, Jiawei Wang, Jianxun Liu, Ye Li, Wenfeng Cai, Delai Kong, Dan Luo, Tun Cao, and Yanjun Liu*, Plasmonic surface lattice resonances in suspended symmetric double-layer gratings, Photonics 9(12), 890 (2022).

Huilin He, Mengjia Cen, Jiawei Wang, Yiwei Xu, Jianxun Liu, Wenfeng Cai, Delai Kong, Ke Li, Dan Luo, Tun Cao, and Yanjun Liu*, Plasmonic chiral metasurface-induced upconverted circularly polarized luminescence from achiral upconversion nanoparticles, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14(48), 53981-53989 (2022).

Xiyun Zhan, Yanjun Liu, Fei Wang, Dongyu Zhao, Kun-Lin Yang*, and Dan Luo*, A highly sensitive fluorescent sensor for ammonia detection based on aggregation-induced emission luminogen-doped liquid crystals, Soft Matter 18(39), 7662-7669 (2022).

Yong Li, Zhen Yin, and Dan Luo, Pre-compressed polymer cholesteric liquid crystal based optical fiber VOC sensor with high stability and a wide detection range, Optics Express 30(18), 32822-32832 (2022).

Ke Li, Jiawei Wang, Wengfeng Cai, Huilin He, Jianxun Liu, Zhen Yin, Dan Luo, Quanquan Mu, Davy Gérard, and Yanjun Liu*, Electrically switchable structural colors based on liquid-crystal-overlaid aluminum anisotropic nanoaperture arrays, Optics Express 30(18), 31913-31924 (2022).

Huilin He, Jiawei Wang, Ke Li, Mengjia Cen, Wenfeng Cai, Jianxun Liu, Dan Luo, Yanqing Lu*, and Yanjun Liu*, Cholesteric-superhelix-enabled reconfigurable circularly polarized luminescence from uniaxially aligned upconversion nanorod films,Laser & Photonics Reviews 16(8), 2200115(2022).

Xiyun Zhan, Yanjun Liu, Kun-Lin Yang*, and Dan Luo*, State-of-the-art development in liquid crystal biochemical sensors, Biosensors 12(8), 577 (2022).

Changhui Zhao, Peijun Wang, Gaoqiang Niu, Dan Luo, Quan Wang, and Fei Wang*, Rapid and efficient detection of NH3at room temperature using CuO/WS2 nanohybrids, IEEE Sensors Journal 22(13), 12539-12546 (2022).

Yongziyan Ma, Wei Zhang, Yanjun Liu, Tian Tian, and Dan Luo*, Chromatic aberration correction in bi-focal augmented reality display by the multi-layer Pancharatnam-Berry phase lens, Optics Express 30(11), 18772-18780 (2022).

Xiaowan Xu, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*, Optical multiplexing anti-counterfeiting film based on self-assembled and holography lithographic photonic architectures, IEEE Photonics Journal 14(3), 1-5 (2022).

Zhenming Wang, Jianxun Liu*, Jiawei Wang, Zongjun Ma, Delai Kong, Shouzhen Jiang, Dan Luo, and Yanjun Liu*, Graphene oxide-coated metal-insulator-metal SERS substrates for trace melamine detection, Nanomaterials 12(7), 1202 (2022).

Daniel A. Paterson*, Xiaoxue Du, Peng Bao, Adele A. Parry, Sally A. Peyman, Jonathan A.T.Sandoe, Stephen D. Evans, Dan Luo, Richard J. Bushby, J. Cliff Jones, and Helen F. Gleeson*, Chiral nematic liquid crystal droplets as a basis for sensor systems, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 7(6), 607-621 (2022).

Yide Yuan, Jin Xie, Yongziyan Ma, Dan Luo, Fan Fan, and Shuangchun Wen*, Low-voltage-driven liquid crystal scattering-controllable device based on defects from rapidly varying boundary, Optics Letters 47(4), 957-960 (2022).

Kai Zuo, Haidong Shi, Xudong Yan, Jianxun Liu, Yanjun Liu, Dan Luo*, and Yue Shi*, Full-color and white circularly polarized luminescence from CdSe/ZnS quantum dots by chiral templates of cellulose nanocrystals, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10(39), 14729-14736 (2022).

Wei Zhang, Yifei Nan, Zongxuan Wu, Yajing Shen, and Dan Luo*, Photothermal-driven liquid crystal elastomers: materials, alignment and applications, Molecules 27, 4330 (2022).

Ming Cheng, Hao Zeng, Yifei Li, Jianxun Liu, Dan Luo, Arri Priimagi, Yan Jun Liu*, Light-fueled polymer film capable of directional crawling, friction-controlled climbing, and self-sustained motion on a human hair, Advanced Science 9, 2103090 (2022).

Jianxun Liu, Hao Zeng, Ming Cheng, Zhenming Wang, Jiawei Wang, Mengjia Cen, Dan Luo, Arri Priimagi*, Yan Jun Liu*, Photoelastic plasmonic metasurfaces with ultra-large near infrared spectral tuning, Materials Horizons, 29, 942-951 (2022).

Jiawei Wang, Ke Li, Huilin He, Wengfeng Cai, Jianxun Liu, Zhen Yin, Quanquan Mu, Vincent K. S. Hisao, Davy Gérard, Dan Luo, Guixin Li, Yan Jun Liu*, Metasurface-enabled high-resolution liquid-crystal alignment for display and modulator applications, Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2100396 (2022).

Xiyun Zhan, Dan Luo*, and Kun-Lin Yang*, Multifunctional sensors based on liquid crystals scaffolded in nematic polymer networks, RSC Advances 11(61), 38694-38702 (2021).

Kai Zuo, Yue Shi*, and Dan Luo*, A review of two-dimensional liquid crystal polarization gratings, Crystals 11(9), 1015 (2021).

Ke Li, Jiawei Wang, Wenfeng Cai, Huilin He, Mengjia Cen, Jianxun Liu, Dan Luo, Quanquan Mu, Davy Gérard*, and Yanjun Liu*, Electrically switchable, polarization-sensitive encryption based on aluminum nanoaperture arrays integrated with polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, Nano Letters 21(17), 7183-7190 (2021).

Zhen Yin, Yue Shi, Mengjia Cen, Tun Cao, Chunxiang Xu, Dan Luo*, Guixin Li*, and Yanjun Liu*, Vectorial holography-mediated growth of plasmonic metasurfaces, Science Bulletin 66(15), 1518-1524 (2021).

Zhenming Wang, Jianxun Liu*, Xiaoguo Fang, Jiawei Wang, Zhen Yin, Huilin He, Shouzhen Jiang, Meng Zhao, Zongyou Yin, Dan Luo, Ping Shum, and Yanjun Liu*, Plasmonically enhanced photoluminescence of monolayer MoS2via nanosphere lithography-templated gold metasurfaces, Nanophotonics 10(6), 1733-1740 (2021).

Zhen Yin, Kaichen Xu*, Shouzhen Jiang, Dan Luo, Rui Chen, Chunxiang Xu, Ping Shum, and Yanjun Liu*, Recent progress on two-dimensional layered materials for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and their applications, Materials Today Physics 18, 100378 (2021).

Zongdai Liu, Hao Zeng, Kun-Lin Yang*, and Dan Luo*, Thermo- and chemical-triggered overhand and reef knots based on liquid crystal gels, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9, 14154 (2021).

Xiaoxue Du, Yanjun Liu,Fei Wang, Dongyu Zhao,* Helen F. Gleeson*, and Dan Luo*, A fluorescence sensor for Pb2+ detection based on liquid crystals and aggregation-induced emission luminogen, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 22361−22367 (2021). 

Manimuthu Veerappan, Xiaohui Leng, Dan Luo, and Fei Wang*, Dandelion flower like GaN humidity sensor:Fabrication and its excellent linearity towards entire relative humidity range, IEEE Sensor Journal 21(3), 2581-2588 (2021).

Yue Shi, Yingming Lai, Yong Li, Yan Jun Liu, Vladimir G. Chigrinov, Hoi-Sing Kwok, Dan Luo* and Xiao Wei Sun, Circularly polarised lasing from all-solid organic semiconductor activated external distributed feedback based on polarisation grating, Liquid Crystals 48(8), 1186-1193 (2021).

Zhaojue Lan, Linfeng Cai, Dan Luo*, and Furong Zhu*, Narrowband Near-Infrared Perovskite/Polymer Hybrid Photodetectors, ACS AppliedMaterials & Interfaces 13(1), 981-988 (2021).

Yong Li, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*, Polarization dependent light-driven liquid crystal elastomer actuators based on photothermal effect, Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2001861 (2020).

Zhaojue Lan, Ying Suet Lau, Yiwen Wang, Zuo Xiao, Liming Ding*, Dan Luo*,and Furong Zhu*, Filter-free band-selective organic photodetectors, Advanced Optical Materials  2001388 (2020).

Zongdai Liu, Dan Luo*, and Kun-Lin Yang*, Monitoring the two-dimensional concentration profile of toluene vapors by using polymer-stabilized nematic liquid crystals in microchannels, Lab on a Chip 20, 1687-1693(2020).

Zhaojue Lan, Yanlian Lei, Wing Kin Edward Chan, Shuming Chen,Dan Luo,* and Furong Zhu*, Near-infrared and visible light dual-mode organic photodetectors, Science Advances 6(5), eaaw8065 (2020).

Yue Shi, Ziming Zhou, Xiaofei Miao, Yan Jun Liu, Quli Fan, Kai Wang, Dan Luo*, and Xiao Wei Sun*, Circularly polarized luminescence from semiconductor quantum rods templated by self-assembled cellulose nanocrystals, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8, 1048-1053(2020).

Xiaowan Xu, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*, Crystal structures and structural colors of blue phase liquid crystals, ChineseJournal of Liquid Crystals and Displays 35(7), 685-696 (2020).

Wen Feng Cai, Yi Fei Li, Hao Dong Jiang, Dan Luo, and Yan Jun Liu*, Research progress of liquid crystal microlens arrays, Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays35(7), 749-761 (2020).

Chia-Rong Lee, Dan Luo, Zhigang Zheng, and Corrie T Imrie, A collection of invited articles from the 4th Asian Conference on Liquid Crystals (ACLC 2019), Liquid Crystals 47(8), 1129–1130(2020).

Xiaowan Xu, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*, Flexible blue phase liquid crystal film with high stability based on polymerized liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals 47(3), 399-403(2020).

Ruochen Liao, Xiyun Zhan, Xiaowan Xu, Yanjun Liu, Fei Wang, and Dan Luo*, Spatially and electrically tunable random lasing based on a polymer-stabilised blue phase liquid crystal-wedged cell, Liquid Crystals 47(5), 715-722 (2020).

Xiaoguo Fang, Changxiong Zheng, Zhen Yin, Zhenming Wang, Jiawei Wang, Jianxun Liu, Dan Luo, Yan Jun Liu*, Hierarchically ordered silicon metastructures from improved self-assembly-based nanosphere lithography, ACS AppliedMaterials Interfaces 12(10), 12345-12352 (2020).

Yong Li, Lina Wang, Yuzhi Chen, Duo Yi, Fei Teng, Xueming Hong, Xuejin Li*, Youfu Geng*, Yue Shi, and Dan Luo, High-performance fiber sensor via Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on immersing exposed-core microstructure fiber in oriented liquid crystals, Optics Express 28(3), 3576-3586 (2020).

Huan Ling,Fengyu Su*,Yanqing Tian, Dan Luo, Yan Jun Liu*, Xiao Wei Sun, A highly stable and tunable visible-near-ir electrochromic all-in-one gel device,  ChemPhotoChem 4, 357-365 (2020).

Haodong Jiang, Wenfeng Cai, Ke Li, Ming Cheng, Vineet Kumar, Zhen Yin,Davy Gérard, Dan Luo, Quanquan Mu, and Yanjun Liu*, Holographically fabricated, highly reflective nanoporous polymeric distributed Bragg reflectors with red, green, and blue colors [Invited], Chinese Optics Letters, 18(8), 080007 (2020).

Yong Li, Yuzhi Chen, Duo Yi, Yu Du, Wei Luo, Xueming Hong,Xuejin Li*, Youfu Geng*, and Dan Luo, A self-assembled fiber Mach–Zehnder interferometer based on liquid crystals, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8, 11153-11159 (2020).

Vineet Kumar, Zhiqiu Ye, Haodong Jiang, Yue Shi, Ke Li, Davy Gérard, Dan Luo, Quanquan Mu, and Yan Jun Liu*, Highly stable, pretilted homeotropic alignment of liquid crystals enabled by in situ self-assembled, dual-wavelength photoalignment, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2(7), 2017–2025(2020).

Huilin He, Jianxun Liu, Ke Li, Zhen Yin, Jiawei Wang, Dan Luo, and Yan Jun Liu*, Linearly polarized emission from shear-induced nematic phase upconversion nanorods, Nano Letters20(6), 4204–4210 (2020).

Zhen Yin, Huilin He, Zhenming Wang, Xiaoguo Fang, Chunxiang Xu, Dan Luo, Shouzhen Jiang, Yan Jun Liu*, Facile in situ photochemical synthesis of silver nanoaggregates for surface-enhanced raman scattering applications, Nanomaterials 10(4), 685(2020).

Ke Li, Haodong Jiang, Ming Cheng, Yifei Li, Zhen Yin, Dan Luo, Xiao Wei Sun, and Yan Jun Liu*, Controlling morphological and electro-optical properties via the phase separation in polymer/liquid-crystal composite materials, Liquid Crystals 47(2), 238–247(2020).

Anshi Chu, Huilin He, Zhen Yin, Ruiheng Peng, Hongcheng Yang, Xian Gao, Dan Luo, Rui Chen, Guichuan Xing*, and Yan Jun Liu*, Plasmonically enhanced upconversion luminescence via holographically formed silver nanogratings, ACS AppliedMaterials & Interfaces 12(1), 1292–1298 (2020).

Yong Li, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*, A photo-switchable and photo-tunable microlens based on chiral liquid crystals. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7, 15166-15170(2019).  

Yue Yang, Haitao Dai*, Feng Yang*, Yating Zhang, Dan Luo, Xiaoli Zhang, Kai Wang, Xiao Wei Sun, and Jianquan Yao, All-Perovskite Photodetector with Fast Response, Nanoscale Research Letters 14, 291 (2019).

Yuncai Chen, Haw Jiunn Woo*, Muhammad Rizwan, Rosiyah binti Yahya, Dehu Cui, Dan Luo, Lang Chen, Abdul Kariem Mohd Arof, and Fei Wang*, Nanoscale morphology control of Na-rich prussian blue cathode materials for sodium ion batteries with good thermal stability, ACS AppliedEnergy Materials  2, 12 (2019).

HuanLing, Xiaowen Wu, Ke Li, Fengyu Su, Yanqing Tian, Dan Luo, Yan Jun Liu*, Xiao Wei Sun, Air-stable, high contrast solution-phase electrochromic device based on an A-D-A viologen derivative, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 851, 113447 (2019).

Zongdai Liu, Dan Luo*, and Kun-Lin Yang*, Flow-driven disclination lines of nematic liquid crystals inside a rectangular microchannel, Soft Matter 15, 5638-5643 (2019).

Lihong Wang, Yanjun Liu, Xiyun Zhan,Dan Luo*, and Xiaowei Sun, Photochromic transparent wood for photo-switchable smart window applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7, 8649-8654 (2019).

Xiaofang Niu, Yanjun Liu, Fei Wang, and Dan Luo*, Highly sensitive and selective optical sensor forlead ion detection based on liquid crystal decorated with DNAzyme, Optics Express 27(21), 30421-30428 (2019).

Ying Zhang, Ke Li, Fengyu Su, Zhongyu Cai, Jianxun Liu, Xiaowen Wu, Huilin He, Zhen Yin, Lihong Wang, Bing Wang, Yanqing Tian, Dan Luo, Xiao Wei Sun, and Yan Jun Liu*, Electrically switchable photonic crystals based on liquid-crystal-infiltrated TiO2-inverse opals, Optics Express 27(11), 15391-15398 (2019).

Shengtao Yin, Wei Ji, Dong Xiao, Yu Li, Ke Li, Zhen Yin, Shouzhen Jiang, Liyang Shao, Dan Luo, Yan Jun Liu*, Intrinsically or extrinsically reconfigurable chirality in plasmonic chiral metasurfaces, Optics Communications, 448, 10-14 (2019).

Yue Shi, Yingming Lai, Yan Jun Liu, Vladimir G. Chigrinov, Hoi-Sing Kwok, Minggang Hu, Dan Luo*, and Xiao Wei Sun, Two-dimensional liquid crystal polarization grating via linearly polarized light modified multi-beam polarization interferometry, Optics Express 27(9), 13061-13071 (2019).

Xiaoxue Du, Yong Li, Yanjun Liu, Fei Wang, and Dan Luo*,Electrically switchable bistable dual frequency liquid crystal light shutter with hyper-reflection in near infrared, Liquid Crystals 46(11), 1727-1733 (2019).

Xiyun Zhan, Huiping Fan, Yong Li, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*,  Low threshold polymerizedcholesteric liquid crystal film lasers with red, green and blue colour, Liquid Crystals 46(6), 970-976 (2019).

Ruiheng Peng, Jianxun Liu, Dong Xiao, Xiaoguo Fang, Shengtao Yin, Zhen Yin, Eng Huat Khoo, Dan Luo, Shouzhen Jiang, Haitao Dai, and Yan Jun Liu*, Microfluid-enabled fine tuning of circular dichroism from chiral metasurfaces, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52, 415102 (2019).

Huilin He,Ying Zhang, Yong Li, Lihong Wang, Xian Gao, Xi Zhang, Danqiong He, Rui Chen, Dan Luo, Xiao Wei Sun, and Yan Jun Liu*, Facile synthesis and controllable emission of Tm3+/Er3+-doped and -co-doped α-naybf4 upconversion nanocrystals, ACS Omega 3(12), 17814-17820 (2018).

Xiaowan Xu, Yanjun Liu, Fei Wang, and Dan Luo*, Narrowlinewidth and temperature insensitive blue phase liquid crystal films, IEEE Photonics Journal 10(6), 7001007 (2018).

Jianxun Liu, Huilin He, Dong Xiao, Shengtao Yin, Wei Ji, Shouzhen Jiang,Dan Luo, Bing Wang,* and Yanjun Liu,* Recent advances of plasmonic nanoparticles and their applications, Materials 11, 1833 (2018).

Shengtao Yin, Dong Xiao, Jianxun Liu, Ke Li, Huilin He, Shouzhen Jiang, Dan Luo, Xiaowei Sun, Wei Ji*, and Yanjun Liu*, Reconfigurable chiral metasurface absorbersbased on liquid crystals, IEEE Photonics Journal 10(6), 4600909 (2018).

Dong Xiao, Yanjun Liu,Shengtao Yin, Jianxun Liu, Wei Ji, Bing Wang, Dan Luo, Guixin Li, Xiaowei Sun, Liquid-crystal-loaded chiral metasurfaces for reconfigurable multiband spin-selective light absorption, Optics Express 26(19), 25305-25314 (2018).

Yong Li, Yanjun Liu, Fei Wang, Dan Luo*, and Xiaowei Sun, High-performance dichroic dye-doped flexible cholesteric polymer film optical filter for laser protection application, Optics Express 26(18), 23000-23007 (2018).

Shengtao Yin, Yan Jun Liu, Dong Xiao, Huilin He, Dan Luo, Shouzhen Jiang, Haitao Dai, Wei Ji, and Xiao Wei Sun, Liquid-crystal-based tunable plasmonic waveguide filters, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51, 235101 (2018).

Maozhou Chen, Haitao Dai, Dongshuo Wang,Yue Yang, Dan Luo, Xiaodong Zhang, and  Changlong Liu, Thermally and optically tunable lasing properties from dye-doped holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal in capillaries, Journal of Applied Physics 123, 103105 (2018).

Yue Shi, Chenxiang Zhao, Jacob Yeuk-Lung Ho, Feng Song, Vladimir G. Chigrinov, Dan Luo*, Hoi-Sing Kwok*, Xiao Wei Sun, High photoinduced ordering and controllable photostability of hydrophilic azobenzene material based on relative humidity, Langmuir34(15), 4465-4472 (2018).

Yue Shi, Yan Jun Liu, Feng Song, Vladimir G. Chigrinov, Hoi-Sing Kwok, Minggang Hu, Dan Luo*, and Xiao Wei Sun, Photoalignment-induced two-dimensional liquid crystal polarization structure via multi-beam polarization interferometry, Optics Express 26(6), 7683-7692 (2018).

Rajendran Ramachandran, Changhui Zhao, Dan Luo, Kai Wang, Fei Wang*, Morphology-dependent electrochemical properties of cobalt-based metal organic frameworks for supercapacitor electrode materials, Electrochimica Acta267, 170-180 (2018).

Rajendran Ramachandran, Wenlu Xuan, Changhui Zhao,  Xiaohui Leng, Dazhi Sun,  Dan Luo, and Fei Wang*,Enhanced electrochemical properties of cerium metal–organic framework based composite electrodes for high-performance supercapacitor application, RSC Advances 8, 3462-3469 (2018).

Sahil Sandesh Gandhi*,Yong Li, Dan Luo*, Liang-Chy Chien*, Laser Emission in a 3D Nanoporous Polymer Replica of Amorphous Blue Phase III, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics 56(7), 551-557 (2018).

Mao-Zhou Chen, Hai-Tao Dai*, Dan Luo, Xiao-Dong Zhang, Chang-Long Liu, Properties of random laser based on polymer stabilized liquid crystal doped with nanoparticles, Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, 33(1), 14-22 (2018).

Xiaohui Leng, Dan Luo, Zongxiang Xu, Fei Wang*, Modified graphene oxide/Nafion composite humidity sensor and its linear response to the relative humidity, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 257, 372-381 (2018).

Xiaowan Xu, Zhen Liu, Yanjun Liu,Xinhai Zhang, Zhigang Zheng*, Dan Luo*, Xiaowei Sun, Electrically Switchable, Hyper-Reflective Blue Phase Liquid Crystals Films, Advanced Optical Materials 6, 1700891 (2018).

Xiaofang Niu, Yuanbo Zhong, Rui Chen, Fei Wang, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*, A“turn-on” fluorescence sensor for Pb2+ detection based on graphene quantum dots and gold nanoparticles, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 255, 1577-1581 (2018).

Yong Li, Qingguo Du, Zongdai Liu, Rui Chen, Haitao Dai, and Dan Luo*, Pump angle and position effects on laser emission from quasicrystal microcavity by nine-beam interference based on holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals45(3), 415-420 (2017).

Rajendran Ramachandran, Changhui Zhao, Dan Luo, Kai Wang, Fei Wang*, Synthesis of copper benzene-1, 3, 5-tricarboxylate metal organic frameworks with mixed phases as the electrode material for supercapacitor applications, Applied Surface Science 460(1), 33-39 (2017).

Yong Li, Yanjun Liu, and Dan Luo*, Optical thermal sensor based on cholesteric film refilled with mixture of toluene and ethanol, Optics Express 25(21), 26349-26355 (2017).

Yong Li, Yanjun Liu, Haitao Dai, Xinhai Zhang, Dan Luo*, and Xiaowei Sun, Flexible cholesteric film with super-reflectivity and high stability based on multi-layer helical structure, Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 5, 10828-10833 (2017).

Zongdai Liu, Rui Chen, Yanjun Liu, Xinhai Zhang, Xiaowei Sun, Wenbin Huang*, and Luo*, Low-threshold, single-mode, and linearly polarized lasing from all organic quasicrystal microcavity, Optics Express 25, 21519 (2017).

Xiaofang Niu, Yuanbo Zhong, Rui Chen, Fei Wang, and Dan Luo*, Highly sensitive and selective liquid crystal optical sensor for detection of ammonia, Optics Express 25(12), 13549-13556 (2017).

Xiaohui Leng, Weinan Li, Dan Luo, and Fei Wang*, Differential Structure With Graphene Oxide for Both Humidity and Temperature Sensing, IEEE Sensors Journal 17(14), 4357-4364 (2017).

Jiangtao Lv, Eng Huat Khoo, Eunice Sok Ping Leong, Litao Hu, Xiaoxiao Jiang, Yong Li, Dan Luo, G. Y. Si, and Yan Jun Liu, Maskless fabrication of slanted annular aperture arrays, Nanotechnology 28, 225302 (2017).

Yue Shi, Chenxiang Zhao, Jacob Yeuk-Lung Ho, Valery V. Vashchenko, Abhishek Kumar Srivastava, Vladimir G. Chigrinov, Hoi-Sing Kwok*, Feng Song, andDan Luo*, Exotic property of azobenzenesulfonic photoalignment material based on relative humidity, Langmuir 33(16), 3968-3974 (2017).

Xiuzhen Lin, Shuming Chen, Jianning Yu, Kai Wang, Dan Luo, Xiaowei Sun, and Xinhai Zhang*, Enhanced conductivity of transparent and flexible silver nanowire electrodes fabricated by a solution-processed method at room temperature, Thin Solid Films 624, 54-60 (2017).

Litao Hu, Yanjun Liu*, Yanshu Han, Peixi Chen, Chao Zhang, Chonghui Li, Zhengyi Lu, Dan Luo, and Shouzhen Jiang, Graphene oxide-decorated silver dendrites for high-performance surface-enhanced Raman scattering applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry C5, 3908--3915 (2017).

Zhaojue Lan, Yong Li, Haitao Dai, and Dan Luo*, Bistable smart window based on ionic liquid doped cholesteric liquid crystal, IEEE Photonics Journal 99, 2200307 (2017).

Qifu Liu, Dan Luo*, Xinhai Zhang, Shaoxian Li, and Zhen Tian, Refractive index and absorption coefficient of blue phase liquid crystal in terahertz band, Liquid Crystals 44(2), 348-354 (2017).

Yong Li, Dan Luo*, and Zenghui Peng, Full-color reflective display based on narrow bandwidth templated cholesteric liquid crystal film, Optical Materials Express 7(1), 16-24 (2017).

Yulong Zhang, Tianyang Wang, Ai Zhang, Zhuoteng Peng, Dan Luo, Rui Chen, Fei Wang*, Electrostatic energy harvesting device with dual resonant structure for wideband random vibration sources at low frequency, Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 125001 (2016).

Xiaowan Xu, Dan Luo*, and Haitao Dai, Optically switchable circularly polarization-dependent optical vortex, IEEE Photonics Journal 8(6) 7805207 (2016).

Zongdai Liu, Dan Luo*, Qingguo Du, and Haitao Dai, Emission characteristics of lasing from all organic mirrorless quasicrystal, IEEE Photonics Journal 8(6) 1504706 (2016).

Yong Li, Dan Luo*, and Rui Chen, Random lasing from cholesteric liquid crystal microspheres dispersed in glycerol, Applied Optics 55(31), 8864-8867 (2016).

Xiaofang Niu, Luo*, Rui Chen, Fei Wang, Xiaowei Sun, Haitao Dai, Optical biosensor based on liquid crystals droplets for detection of cholic acid, Optics Communications 381, 286-291 (2016).

Lei Li, Haitao Dai, Dan Luo, Shuguo Wang, Xiaowei Sun, Nickel Oxide Nanosheets for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting by Hematite (α-Fe2O3) Nanowire Arrays, Energy Technology 4(6), 758-763 (2016).

Yong Li, Dan Luo*, and Rui Chen, Microcavity laser based on cholesteric liquid crystal doped with reactive mesogen, IEEE Photonics Journal8(4), 1503106 (2016).

Dan Luo*, Yong Li, Xiaowan Xu, and Qingguo Du, Lasing from organic quasicrystal fabricated by seven- and nine-beam interference, Optics Express 24(11), 12330-12335 (2016).

Jie Zhang, Haitao Dai*, Chao Yan, Degang Xu, Yanjun Liu, Dan Luo, and Xiaowei Sun, Lasing properties from dye-doped holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal confined in two-dimensional cylindrical geometry, Optical Materials Express 6(4), 1367-1375 (2016).

Qifu Liu, Dan Luo*, Shaoxian Li, and Zhen Tian, The birefringence and extinction coefficient of positive and negative liquid crystals in the terahertz range, Liquid Crystals 43(6),1-7 (2016).

Yong Li, Dan Luo*, Fabrication and application of 1D micro-cavity film made by cholesteric liquid crystal and reactive mesogen, Optical Materials Express6(2), 691-696 (2016).

Xiaofang Niu, Liangliang Huang, Jinhang Zhao, Mengdi Yin, Dan Luo, Yunhui Yang*, An ultrasensitive aptamer biosensor for the detection of codeine based on a Au nanoparticle/polyamidoamine dendrimer-modified screen-printed carbon electrode, Analytical Methods8, 1091-1095 (2016).

Dan Luo*, Xiaowei Sun*, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Liquid Crystal Photonics (SLCP 2015), Displays 44, 60 (2016).

Xiaowan Xu, Xuwei Zhang, Dan Luo*, Haitao Dai, Low voltage polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal reflective display by doping ferroelectric nanoparticles, Optics Express 23(25), 32267-32273 (2015).

Lei Li, Haitao Dai*, Liefeng Feng, Dan Luo, Shuguo Wang, Xiaowei Sun*, Enhance photoelectrochemical hydrogen-generation activity and stability of TiO2 nanorod arrays sensitized by PbS and CdS quantum dots under UV-visible light, Nanoscale Research Letters 10(418), 1-7 (2015).

Xuwei Zhang, Dan Luo*, Yong Li, Man Zhao, Bing Han, Meiting Zhao, Haitao Dai, PbS nanoparticles stabilized blue phase liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals 42(9), 1257-1261 (2015).

Bing Sun, Yijian Huang, Dan Luo, Chao Wang, Jun He, Changrui Liao, Guolu Yin, Jiangtao Zhou, Shen Liu, Jing Zhao, Yiping Wang*, Broadband thermo-optic switching effect based on liquid crystal infiltrated photonic crystal fibers, IEEE Photonics Journal 7(4), 6802207 (2015).

Xiurun Mao, Yang Yang, Haitao Dai*, Dan Luo, Baoli Yao, Shaohui Yan, Tunable photonic nanojet formed by generalized Luneburg lens, Optics Express 23(20), 26426-26433 (2015).

Dan Luo*, Qingguo Du, Haitao Dai, Xinhai Zhang, Xiaowei Sun, Temperature effect on lasing from Penrose photonic quasicrystal, Optical Materials Express 4(6), 1172-1177 (2014).

Dan Luo*, Haitao Dai, Xiaowei Sun, Polarization-independent electrically tunable/switchable Airy beam based on polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal, Optics Express 21(25), 31318-31323 (2013).

Dan Luo, Qingguo Du, Haitao Dai, Hilmi Volkan Demir, Hongzhi Yang, Wei Ji, Xiaowei Sun*, Strongly linearly polarized low threshold lasing of all organic photonic quasicrystals, Scientific Reports 2(627), 1-6 (2012).

Dan Luo, Xiaowei Sun*, Haitao Dai, Hilmi Volkan Demir, Hongzhi Yang, Wei Ji, Spatial angle dependent lasing from a dye-doped two-dimensional hexagonal photonic crystal made of holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, Optics Express 20(8), 9058-9063 (2012).

Dan Luo, Haitao Dai, Xiaowei Sun*, Hilmi Volkan Demir, Polarization-dependent circular Dammann grating made of azo-dye-doped liquid crystals, Applied Optics 50(15), 2316-2321 (2011).

Haitao Dai, Yanjun Liu, Dan Luo, Xiaowei Sun*, Propagation properties of an optical vortex carried by an Airy beam: experimental implementation, Optics Letters 36(9), 1617-1619 (2011).

Haitao Dai, Yanjun Liu, Dan Luo, Xiaowei Sun*, Propagation dynamics of an optical vortex imposed on an Airy bam, Optics Letters 35(23), 4075-4077 (2010).

Dan Luo, Haitao Dai, Xiaowei Sun*, Hilmi Volkan Demir, Electrically switchable finite energy Airy beams generated by a liquid crystal cell with patterned electrode, Optics Communications 283, 3846-3849 (2010).

Dan Luo, Xiaowei Sun*, Haitao Dai, Hilmi Volkan Demir, Hongzhi Yang, Wei Ji, Electrically tunable lasing from a dye-doped two-dimensional hexagonal photonic crystal made of holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, Applied Physics Letters 97, 081101 (2010).

Dan Luo, Xiaowei Sun*, Haitao Dai, Hilmi Volkan Demir, Hongzhi Yang, Wei Ji, Temperature effect on the lasing from a dye-doped two-dimensional hexagonal photonic crystal made of holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 013106 (2010).

Dan Luo, Xiaowei Sun*, Haitao Dai, Hilmi Volkan Demir, Hongzhi Yang, Wei Ji, Two-directional lasing from a dye-doped two-dimensional hexagonal photonic crystal made of holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, Applied Physics Letters 95, 151115 (2009).

Dan Luo, Xiaowei Sun*, Yanjun Liu, Haitao Dai, Ouyue Sheng, Mark. B. H. Breese*, Zbigniew. Raszewski, Electrically switchable computer-generated hologram using a liquid crystal cell with a proton beam patterned polymethylmethacrylate substrate, Applied Optics 48(19), 3766-3770 (2009).

Dan Luo, C. Alagappan, Xiaowei Sun*, Zbigniew. Raszewski, Jiping Ning, Superbending effect in two-dimensional graded photonic crystals, Optics Communications 282, 329-332 (2009).

Haitao Dai, Xiaowei Sun*, Dan Luo, Yanjun Liu, Airy beams generated by a binary phase element made of polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, Optics Express 17(22), 19365-19370 (2009).

Haitao Dai, Yanjun Liu, Xiaowei Sun*, Dan Luo, A negative-positive tunable liquid-crystal microlens array by printing, Optics Express 17(6), 4317-4323 (2009).

Yanjun Liu, Xiaowei Sun*, Dan Luo, Zbigniew. Raszewski, Generating electrically tunable optical vortices by a liquid crystal cell with patterned electrode, Applied Physics Letters 92, 101114 (2008).

Yanjun Liu, Xiaowei Sun*, Qin Wang, Dan Luo, Electrically switchable optical vortex generated by a computer-generated hologram recorded in polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, Optics Express 15(25), 16645-16650 (2007).

Guofang Fan*, Jiping Ning, Qun Han, Lianju Shang, Zhiqiang Chen, Dan Luo, Jin Liu, An improved ray approximation method to design the single-mode 3-D optical waveguide, Optics Communications 271, 421-423 (2007).

Dan Luo*, Jiping Ning, Qun Han, Zhiqiang Chen, Lianju Shang, Guofang Fan, Research of superlensing in a honeycomb lattice photonic crystal, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 9(8), 2308-2311 (2007).

Dan Luo*, Jiping Ning, Qun Han, Zhiqiang Chen, Lianju Shang, Guofang Fan, Analysis of the image in system with negative-index lens, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 9(6), 1865-1871 (2007).

