刘言军 工学院南楼239



刘言军博士目前在深圳南方科技大学电子与电气工程系任职副教授,主要从事液晶光电子学、等离激元光子学、超材料及超表面等领域的研究。目前已经累计发表文章90多篇,会议报告20多次,其中邀请报告8次,出版专著2章,申请专利5项,论文总引用超过1500次,H指数24。许多工作在一些重要的杂志上作为封面文章发表,包括Advanced Materials, Applied Physics Letters, Small, Nanoscale, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Journal of Materials Chemistry C和Nanotechnology。此外,刘言军博士还荣获2006年国家优秀自费留学生奖;2007年ICTP TRIL Programme Fellowship;2012年新加坡科技局职业发展奖;2015年Joseph Wang Award。


2004/7–2007/2, 南洋理工大学, 光子学, 博士, 导师:孙小卫

2000/9–2003/6, 复旦大学, 光学,  硕士, 导师:徐克璹

1996/9–2000/7, 山东大学, 电子科学与技术, 学士。





2008/9-2010/5,宾州州立大学,工程科学与机械系,博士后,合作导师:Tony Jun Huang

2007/11-2008/5,欧洲非线性光谱实验室,光子学课题组,博士后,合作导师:Diederik S. Wiersma







2015年Joseph Wang Award


2007年意大利ICTP TRIL Programme Fellowship



1. S-T Xu,* H-F Zhang, L. Cong,* Z. Xue, D. Lu, Y-H Wang, X. Hu, L. Liang, Y. Ji, F. Fan,* and S-J Chang, Dispersion-Compensated Terahertz Ultra-Broadband Quarter and Half Wave Plates in a Dielectric-Metal Hybrid Metadevice, Advanced Optical Materials, 2302696 (2024).

2. 丛龙庆*,许桂珍,杂化连续域内束缚态中的环形偶极子,激光与光电子学进展 60, 18 (2023). (Invited Research Article)

3. G. Xu, H. Xing, Z. Xue, D. Lu, J. Fan, J. Fan, P.P. Shum, L. Cong*, Recent Advances and Perspective of Photonic Bound States in the Continuum, Ultrafast Science, 3 (2023).(A Science Partner Journal)

4. H. Xing, G. Xu, D. Lu, J. Fan, Z. Xue, Z. Gao, L. Cong*, Terahertz topological photonic crystals with dual edge states for efficient routing, Opt. Lett., 48, 4 (2023) .

5. J. Fan, Z. Li, Z. Xue, H. Xing, D. Lu, G. Xu, J. Gu, J. Han, L. Cong*, Hybrid bound states in the continuum in terahertz metasurfaces, Opto-Electronic Science, 2, 230006 (2023).

6. H. Xing#, J. Fan#, D. Lu, Z. Gao, P. P. Shum, L. Cong*, Terahertz Metamaterials for Free-Space and on-Chip Applications: From Active Metadevices to Topological Photonic Crystals. Advanced Devices & Instrumentation 2022, 1 (2022). (A Science Partner Journal)

7. W. Shi, J. Gu*, X. Zhang, Q. Xu, J. Han, Q. Yang*, L. Cong*, W. Zhang*, Terahertz bound states in the continuum with incident angle robustness induced by a dual period metagrating. Photon. Res. 10, 810 (2022).

8. X. Zhang, W. Shi, J. Gu*, L. Cong*, X. Chen, K. Wang, Q. Xu, J. Han, W. Zhang*, Terahertz metasurface with multiple BICs/QBICs based on a split ring resonator. Opt. Express 30, 29088 (2022).

9. L. Cong*, J. Han, W. Zhang, R. Singh, “Temporal loss boundary engineered photonic cavity,” Nature Communications 12, 6940 (2021). Highlighted by SUSTech News: https://newshub.sustech.edu.cn/html/202112/41591.html; Featured by 《物理》as cover page.

10. 丛龙庆*, 主动式太赫兹超材料器件综述. 中国激光 48, 1914003 (2021). (Invited Review article)

11. L. Cong*, S. K. Valiyaveedu, J. Shi, X. Zhang, Editorial: Terahertz Radiation: Materials and Applications. Frontiers in Physics 9, (2021). (Issue edited as a Guest Editor)


Selected publication before joining SUSTech:

12. L. Cong, R. Singh, “Spatiotemporal Dielectric Metasurfaces for Unidirectional Propagation and Reconfigurable Steering of Terahertz Beams,” Adv. Mater. 32, 2001418 (2020).

13. L. Cong, et al, “Electrically programmable terahertz diatomic metamolecules for chiral optical control,” Research 2019, 1 (2019) (Science Partner Journal).

14. L. Cong, et al, “All-optical active THz metasurfaces for ultrafast polarization switching and dynamic beam splitting,” Light: Science & applications 7, 28 (2018).

15. L. Cong, et al, “Active Phase Transition via Loss Engineering in a Terahertz MEMS Metamaterial,” Adv. Mater. 29(26), 1700733 (2017).

16. L. Cong, et al, “Perovskite as a Platform for Active Flexible Metaphotonic Devices,” ACS Photonics 4, 1595-1601 (2017). Featured as cover article.

17. L. Cong, et al, “Near-Field Inductive Coupling Induced Polarization Control in Metasurfaces,” Adv. Opt. Mater. 4, 848 (2016).

18. L. Cong, et al, “Fano Resonances in Terahertz Metasur-faces: A Figure of Merit Optimization,” Adv. Opt. Mater. 3, 1537 (2015). Citation 148 Highlighted as the top 5 download paper. Link: http://www.materialsviews.com/advanced-optical-materials-top-5-sept-2015/.

19. L. Cong, et al, “A Tunable Dispersion-Free Terahertz Metadevice with Pancharatnam-Berry-Phase-Enabled Modulation and Polarization Control,” Adv. Mater. 27, 6630 (2015).

20. L. Cong, et al, “Experimental demonstration of ultrasensitive sensing with terahertz metamaterial absorbers: A comparison with the metasurfaces,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 031107 (2015). Citation 372, Highlighted as the must-read findings on terahertz devices; Most cited paper of APL from 2015-2019; Top 1% most cited papers in Physics by ESI.

21. L. Cong, et al, “Highly flexible broadband terahertz metamaterial quarter‐wave plate,” Laser & Photonics Reviews 8, 626 (2014). Citation 221, featured as cover article.

22. L. Cong, et al, “A perfect metamaterial polarization rotator,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 171107 (2013). Citation 296, Highlighted as the top 1% most cited papers in Physics by ESI.


More papers please refer to: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=OiPJiqcAAAAJ or https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Longqing-Cong


Tera-Meta Lab正在招聘博士后、科研助理,招收光学、物理、光电子、材料、通信等相关专业博士生、硕士生、本科实习生,同时欢迎来自国内外大学及科研机构的访问学者和交流学生,有意加入者请将简历发送至:conglq@sustech.edu.cn. 博后申请者还需附上至少两位推荐人姓名和邮箱地址。



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