马俊 工学院南楼339
马俊博士2020年6月加入南方科技大学电子与电气工程系担任助理教授,主要研究宽禁带氮化物半导体的MOCVD外延生长,以及氮化镓电子器件和发光器件的设计制备。在 IEDM,ISPSD, IEEE EDL,IEEE TED,APL等器件领域的国际主流会议和高水平期刊发表论文50余篇,并担任IEEE EDL,IEEE TED,APL等多个期刊的审稿人。
2015.05 – 2019.08 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL),微系统与微电子,博士学位
2011.09 – 2014.06 香港科技大学,电子与计算机工程,硕士学位
2005.09 – 2009.06 厦门大学,微电子学,学士学位
2020.06 至今,南方科技大学,助理教授
2019.08 – 2020.02 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL),研究助理
2010.06 – 2011.08 香港科技大学,研究助理
2009.06 – 2010.01三安光电股份有限公司,外延工程师
Ma*, C. Erine, M. Zhu, N. Luca, P. Xiang, K. Cheng, and E. Matioli*, “1200 V multi-channel power devices with 2.8 Ω·mm on-resistance,” 2019 International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM 2019), Chicago, USA, 2019. (Featured in Nature electronics)
Ma*, G. Santoruvo, Taifang Wang and E. Matioli*, “Impact of fin width on tri-gate AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMTs,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices66, 4068 (2019).
Ma*, G. Kampitsis, P. Xiang, K. Cheng and E. Matioli*, “Multi-channel tri-gate GaN power Schottky diodes with low on-resistance,” IEEE Electron Device Letters40, 275 (2018). (Featured in Semiconductor Today)
Ma*, C. Erine, R. Soleimanzadeh, P. Xiang, T. -H Shen, V. Tileli, K. Cheng and E. Matioli*, “Multi-channel tri-gate normally-on/off AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMTs on Si substrate with high breakdown voltage and low ON-resistance,” Applied Physics Letters113, 242102 (2018). (Featured in Compound Semiconductor and Semiconductor Today)
Ma*and E. Matioli*, “2 kV slanted tri-gate GaN-on-Si Schottky barrier diodes with ultra-low leakage current,” Applied Physics Letters 112, 052101 (2018). (Featured in Semiconductor Today)
Ma*and E. Matioli*, “Uni-directional GaN-on-Si MOSHEMTs with high reverse-blocking voltage based on nanostructured Schottky drain,” International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), Chicago, USA, 2018.
Ma*, M. Zhu, and E. Matioli*, “900 V reverse-blocking GaN-on-Si MOSHEMTs with a hybrid tri-anode Schottky drain,” IEEE Electron Device Letters38, 1704 (2017). (Featured in Semiconductor Today)
Ma*and E. Matioli*, “Slanted tri-gates for high-voltage GaN power devices,” IEEE Electron Device Letters 38, 1305 (2017). (Featured in Compound Semiconductor and Semiconductor Today)
Ma*, D. C. Zanuz and E. Matioli*, “Field plate design for low leakage current in lateral GaN power Schottky diodes: role of the pinch-off voltage,” IEEE Electron Device Letters38, 1298 (2017).
Ma*and E. Matioli*, “High performance tri-gate GaN power MOSHEMTs on silicon substrate,” IEEE Electron Device Letters 38, 367 (2017). (The most popular EDL paper during 2017/01 - 2017/07)
Ma*and E. Matioli*, “High-voltage and low-leakage AlGaN/GaN tri-anode Schottky diodes with integrated tri-gate transistors,” IEEE Electron Device Letters 38, 83 (2017).
Ma*, G. Santoruvo, P. Tandon, and E. Matioli*, “Enhanced electric performance and heat dissipation in AlGaN/GaN Schottky barrier diodes using hybrid tri-anode structure,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices63, 3614 (2016).
Ma, X. Lu, X. Zhu, T. Huang, P. Xu and K. M. Lau*, “MOVPE growth of in situ SiNx/AlN/GaN MISHEMTs with low leakage current and high on/off current ratio,” Journal of Crystal Growth414, 237 (2015).
Ma, X. Lu, H. Jiang, C. Liu and K. M. Lau*, “In situ growth of SiNx as gate dielectric and surface passivation for AlN/GaN heterostructures by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition,” Applied Physics Express7, 091002 (2014).
Ma, X. Zhu, K. M. Wong, X. Zou and K. M. Lau*, “Improved GaN-based LED grown on silicon (111) substrates using stress/dislocation-engineered interlayers,” Journal of Crystal Growth370, 265 (2013).
Ma, Q. Zhuang, G. Chen, C. Huang, S. Li, H. Wang and J. Kang*, “Growth kinetic processes of AlN molecules on the Al-polar surface of AlN,” Journal of Physical Chemistry A114, 9028-9033 (2010).