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Ministry of IIT Consumer Products Dept comes to SUSTech

Date2019-09-18/ What's New

With the increased importance of Micro-LEDs for industry, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) welcomed a delegation from the Consumer Products Department (CPD) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). The delegation was led by CPD Deputy Director Wang Zhong and was joined by high-ranking officials from the Shenzhen Municipal Government and leading figures from related industrial bodies. The CPD delegation was met by SUSTech Acting Vice-President Zhang Dongxiao, College of Engineering Dean Xu Zhenghe and other senior leaders across SUSTech.

SUSTech Acting Vice-President Zhang Dongxiao welcomed the leaders and experts to SUSTech, before giving them a briefing about SUSTech’s goals and development plans. He also talked about their objectives in the Micro-LED field, as well as their existing knowledge base.

CPD Deputy Director Wang Zhong explained why the delegation wanted to learn about SUSTech. He said that SUSTech had developed an impressive talent pipeline in Micro-LED technology with interdisciplinary industry-university research platforms. Wang Zhong added that the delegation hoped to get some insights into how SUSTech operates in the field, in order to better integrate resources for the development of the field across China.

Following these instructions, there were significant in-depth discussions about the development of the display industry in China, and the requirements for building the National Manufacturing Innovation Center at SUSTech. Industrial representatives provided additional information to the delegation, based on the situation on the ground.

Subsequently, the research team visited the Micro-LED clean room in the Micro-nano processing center and school-run enterprise, Shenzhen Sitan Technology Co., Ltd.


Address:South Tower,College of Engineering,
Southern University of Science and Technology

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