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A fresh graduate in our group published a paper in the "Optical Express", which is an optical journal, as the first author.
Added:2017-08-29     Views:134

Recently, Zongdai Liu, the fresh graduate in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, has published his latest research results "Low-threshold, single-mode, and linearly polarized lasing from all organic quasicrystal microcavity" in the Optics Express (2016 Impact Factor 3.307, JCR Q1), an international academic journal of the American Optical Association (OSA), as the first author.


Photonic quasicrystals are similar to photonic crystals and can be made into laser devices by means of their own "bandgap" formed by their own structures. Compared with photonic crystals, photonic quasicryster can not only provide a similar laser resonator, become an easy manufacturing micro-laser light source with small size, good emission performance, but also has higher weight rotation symmetry, and more control degrees of freedom, thus, enriching the method to realize laser devices. So the academic gives more and more attention to it. In this paper, the organic semiconductors are used to replace the organic dyes, and the emission thresholds and emission spectra of the quasicrystic liquid crystal lasers are optimized to realize the low threshold and single mode light.

Zongdai Liu is currently studying for a Ph.D. at the National University of Singapore. The corresponding author of this paper is Dan Luo, the Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electrical Engineering. At the same time of giving guidance of the work, he also pays great attention to cultivate students' autonomy and innovation.

The scheme of quasicrystal structure. (a) Simulated schematic configuration and (b) Atomic force microscopy image.

The comparison of output intensity and line width versus pumping energy. (a) DCM doped case and (b) MEH-PPV film coated case.

The research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61405088, 61505131); the Scientific and Technological Innovation Committee of Shenzhen (January 16, 2010)

Article address: https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-25-18-21519

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