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The 6th International Symposium on LCD Photonics (SLCP2017) was held in Tianjin
Added:2017-05-15     Views:129

The 6th International Symposium on LCD Photonics (SLCP2017) was held in Tianjin from May 4 to 17, 2017. The conference was hosted by Hebei University of Technology and was chaired by Professor Shin-Tson Wu. Professors and students from National University, Yonsei University, University of Central Florida, Kent State University, Pennsylvania State University, Nanjing University, Sichuan University and some other affiliation report the progress of liquid crystal display and liquid crystal photonics. Sun Xiaowei, director of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering of our school, Dan Luo, assistant professor, and three experimental staff and undergraduate Zongdai Liu in his research group attended the meeting.

Figure 1. Zongdai Liu was doing the report

During the meeting, Professor Dan Luo made a report “all-solid of high-reflective cholesteric film”. Zongdai Liu made an oral report entitled “Organic Liquid Crystal Lasers Based on Photonic Quasicrystals”. In the report, Zongdai Liu introduced his research and progress at the undergraduate level. This report has been highly recognized by the organizers, and Professor Wu Shicong give the award “Dr. Martin Schadt best pepar award” to Liu Zongdai. The experimenter Li Yong also received the “Dr. Martin Schadt best poster award” from Professor Wu Shicong.

Figure 2. Professor Wu Shicong gave the awards to Zongdai Liu (left 2)

Figure 3. Professor Dan Luo (left) and Zongdai Liu posed for photographs

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